Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Still at it. . .

I haven’t posted much on here lately.  But it isn’t because I haven’t been doing much.

Sometimes I hesitate to put stuff out here on the internet, just in case I slip.  Don’t stick to my goals.  Massive fear of failure.  Public failure.  But then that kind of defeats the purpose of putting one’s training and goals on the blog – for public accountability.  That’s one of the reasons I started up the blog again when I decided it was time to get my “stuff” together.  But of course, making the decision to get one’s ass in gear doesn’t mean there won’t be slips.  Times when I fail.  When I just don’t feel like working out.  And that’s what’s happened this week. 

I rocked things last Saturday – ran/walked 5.8 miles.  Then, I relaxed.  Took Sunday off, deliberately, to give the feet a rest.  But then, when I had plans to get up and run on Monday morning, the 4:15 am wake up didn’t happen.  Or rather, I woke up, then decided I was too tired.  Then the same thing yesterday.  Then the same thing this morning.  Thankfully, I’ve only had 3 days of madness.  I’m stopping it now.

Yes, 4:15 am is an early wake up.  But that’s what it’s got to be to get to the gym and get my run in before getting the morning routine going for my posse. 

As I mentioned before, my running goal is the St. Augustine Half Marathon in November, which gives me 3 months to build up my distance and make myself ready for this bad-boy.  After my first half-marathon blog post a few weeks ago, which I assumed would be relatively anonymous, I discovered that thanks to Google+ putting it all out there, my dad read the post and emailed his concerns about whether I knew what the heck I was getting into.  He’s a former runner, who’s done half and full marathons in his past, and he knows how hard these can be.  So I figured I’d clarify my intentions.

My goal is to complete the half.  I’m not trying to set any land speed records.  I’m totally comfortable with the fact that some walking will almost certainly take place and that my pace may seem more like a trot than a run.  That said, I’m definitely taking my training seriously.  I’ve been running off and on for the last six months and consistently since early summer.  And I’m adding extra distance on my feet in the form of long walk/runs on the weekends.  The plan is for these to be actual runs as my endurance builds up.

I started out by following the Couch-to-5K plan, which works you up to doing a 5 kilometer run (hence the 5K), or 3.1 miles.  I’m not going to lie; I still don’t run 3.1 miles straight through.  I usually stop for a breather walk at about each mile or so.  But I’m cool with this.   However, now that I’ve hit August, I’ll be officially starting the half-marathon training plan next weekend (ready or not, here I come!).  I’m following a training plan by Hal Higdon – his Novice 2 plan, but with modifications.  It’s a 12-week plan that gradually builds you up to the 13.1 mile distance with runs on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  However, I find I need a little more rest on my legs (no doubt because of the extra weight I’m carrying), so I’m generally only running 4 days a week, not 5.  And my Sunday run is generally a run/walk, so my legs don’t completely die!

So far, its been awesome.  I remembered loving running back in the day.  I just needed to get consistent enough that the endorphins kick in.  So.  After taking several days off, I’m going to either run tonight after work or tomorrow morning before. 

Stay tuned . . .